Daily Archives: August 26, 2011

First milestone reached!


Challenge: +$49.90

Total winnings so far: $108.70

I played in two tournaments yesterday and managed to place in both of them, with one of them a 4th place finish in 888 Poker’s $600 Guaranteed tournament for $50.40.

I played pretty tight ABC poker to be honest. It is difficult to use a full repertoire of strategies at 888 Poker due to the poor quality of the players and the fast-moving blind levels.

This final table was pretty even in terms of stacks. I started middle of the pack, blazed ahead into 1st all the way to the last four, but then busted out in two consecutive hands – one was a coinflip that I lost on the river, and the second I pushed on the button with pocket eights and the small blind woke up with tens. Total cooler based on my stack and the blinds.

However, despite falling short on a victory again, this means I’ve met one of the targets that I set myself for the end of September a month early. I’m also kicking Chris Ferguson’s arse by reaching $100 around 4 months earlier than him!

As such, I’ll set myself a new target of reaching $300 by the end of next month, as well as winning at least one tournament. This is a significantly tougher target, particularly with work and uni commitments next month, but I’m confident I can achieve it.

Until I hit a downswing that is ….

A graph of my 888 Poker winnings


Posted by on August 26, 2011 in The $10K Challenge