Gearing up for the Las Vegas Team Challenge

04 Feb

Okay, I admit, I may – just may – have neglected the blog a bit. A barely noticeable blip of five months without a post.

The main reason is pretty straight-forward, I’ve not been playing much poker, a fairly important ingredient for a blog about my poker-playing escapades.

However, with a dearth in freelance work on the horizon and the upcoming Las Vegas Team Challenge live tournament just a month away, it seems a good time to shake off some ring rust.

The Team Challenge is a fairly intriguing prospect. It begins with an online league of poker teams, each with four people per side. Every week, you and your teammates play multi-table tournaments online, with your final position from these tournaments being converted into ‘points’. The higher you place, the more points you score.

After eleven weeks, your team’s total points is totted up and represents how many ‘extra’ chips your team receives at the live final in Birmingham on the weekend of March 3rd.

Should your team win the live final, there is a $48,000 Las Vegas package for first prize, which will coincide with the World Series of Poker. Boom.

Unfortunately, it’s nine weeks in and our team’s performance has been decidedly average.

We’re currently sitting mid-table with 3,100 points. To put that in perspective, the team in first place has 16,210. That means each player on their team will start with roughly double our chips at the live final.

The good thing is that a couple of high finishes puts the team straight back in contention, but with only two weeks to go, it’s a tough task.

I will keep the blog updated over the next two weeks and I’ll try to keep a play-by-play account going on the days of the live final (with pictures and maybe interviews with other players).

I’ve not yet decided whether I will tee-total the final, or throw caution to the wind and drown myself in an avalanche of alcohol and shame – it is a special occasion after all.

As for my own Challenge, I’ve totally been slacking but still made a bit of progress. A few small multi-table cashes and a second-place in a Sit ‘N’ Go means I’m edging towards $200. Almost $10,000.

Clearly, I didn’t hit any of my targets from October, but my new totals are below and I will continue to update a little bit more regularly … maybe.


Challenge: +$25.32

Total profit so far: $189.28


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